Marie Timpano | Homelessness in Beaver County
On episode 6 of the Live Mike Podcast with Mike Romigh, Mike talks about homelessness, poverty, and other social issues facing Beaver County with Marie Timpano, executive director of The Corner Stone of Beaver County.
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On episode 6 of The Live Mike Podcast with Mike Romigh, Mike talks about homelessness, poverty, and other social issues facing Beaver County with Marie Timpano, executive director of The Corner Stone of Beaver County.
This episode was recorded December 10, 2018 in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. Host: Mike Romigh. Guest: Marie Timpano. Audiography: Kevin Farkas, Mike Romigh. Music (available on Patrick Deluxe (“06 Fortunate Son H1 Matias 4-bar Drum Loop”), HarbingerLoops (“Dreary Thoughts”). Additional sound (available on Youtube): “Edward R. Murrows final reply to Senator Joseph McCarthys See It Now appearance - April 13 1954.” ©The Live Mike Podcast/The Social Voice Project, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Cornerstone of Beaver County began as a vision to end homelessness in our County, and has grown into what it is today – a 501c3 nonprofit agency with a comprehensive network of local resources that assists the homeless and near homeless. The Homelessness Prevention/ Rapid Rehousing Program (HPRP) began with a team of five in 2009. The staff went directly to clients in need, because there was not a single point of entry for local homeless programs. Staff traveled around the county borrowing office space, meeting rooms, soup kitchens, and libraries.
In 2012, the HPRP program came to an end, but the need for emergency housing and rental/utility assistance did not. The five team members pushed on, and began renting space from the Housing Authority of the County of Beaver on the second floor of 1217 7th Avenue, Beaver Falls. With the support of the County, through the Community Development Program, the group clearly pronounced its role as the single point of entry to all the homeless and housing stability resources in Beaver County and named the suite of offices The Cornerstone.
The Cornerstone opened its doors to other local agencies and soon filled offices with utility assistance programs, rental assistance programs, the HMIS electronic data tracking program, SNAP food stamp programs, and resources for homeless veterans and their families, reaching full capacity on the second floor of the 1217 7th Avenue office.

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