The Genesis Collective Creatives Podcast

Beaver County’s first and only podcast supporting local artists, celebrating art, and building community through creativity. The podcast presents local artist profiles, conversations about art, public art features, and news about art events and activities. 

Suggest Beaver County artists, artworks, events, and other art news to feature on the podcast.  Click Here.

Black Creatives in Beaver County Series


Episode 5: Seth Whitted - Black Creatives in Beaver County Series

On episode 5 of The Genesis Collective Podcast, we feature Beaver Falls artist Seth Whitted, recorded as part of TGC’s innovative Black Creatives in Beaver County Interview Series. Public art highlight: We recommend visiting the Big Rock Park welcome mural in New Brighton, Pennsylvania – a reminder that public art can be functional and decorative.

Episode 6: Nadia Knecht - Black Creatives in Beaver County Series

On episode 6 of The Genesis Collective Podcast, we feature Ambridge cartoonist Nadia Knecht, recorded as part of TGC’s innovative Black Creatives in Beaver County Interview Series. Public art highlight: We recommend visiting “Zuverman: The World’s Largest Bodybuilder” in Darlington, Pennsylvania, nationally listed in Roadside America, the premier guide to peculiar tourist attractions.

Episode 8: Island Bradley - Black Creatives in Beaver County Series

On episode 8 of The Genesis Collective Podcast, we feature Beaver Falls artist Island Bradley, recorded as part of TGC’s innovative Black Creatives in Beaver County Interview Series. Public art highlight: We talk about public art in support of public health efforts to raise breast cancer awareness, featuring the once flowing pink water fountain at George Washington Plaza in Monaca, Pennsylvania

Episode 9: Jessii Marie - Black Creatives in Beaver County Series

On episode 9 of The Genesis Collective Podcast, we feature artist Jessii Marie, recorded as part of TGC’s innovative Black Creatives in Beaver County Interview Series. We also talk to TGC executive director Pamela Rossi-Keen about the Being Black in Beaver County Art Exhibit to be held November 19th in Midland, Pennsylvania. Public art highlight: We feature public art preserving history in Homewood Junction in northern Beaver County.