July 2019 to February 2024
These meeting minutes are sourced directly from documents published on the official West Mayfield borough website.
Use the search feature to find key words.
Our Change Agenda offers legislative proposals based on actual issues and problems we’ve identified in consultation with West Mayfield citizens, elected officials (past and present), community development experts throughout Beaver County, and our observations of best practices within well-managed municipalities across the Commonwealth.
A motion was passed on February 8, 2024.
WHEREAS, the Borough of West Mayfield is bound by Pennsylvania statutes, the Borough Code, and local ordinance to provide fire service ensuring the public safety and well being of citizens and to protect property; and
WHEREAS, the Borough of West Mayfield currently recognizes and designates the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department as its municipal fire service provider; and
WHEREAS, the Borough of West Mayfield has in the past and/or currently provides financial and in-kind support for the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department, including but not limited to revenue from Foreign Fire Insurance tax premiums; annual budget appropriations from the General Fund: vehicle parts, vehicle fuel, insurance & bonding, cash contribution, and minor machinery & equipment; and the Borough of West Mayfield has for many years granted the tax-payer owned park shelter rental concession to the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department to support the fire service, including providing administrative support for this enterprise via the borough’s website; and the Borough of West Mayfield has for many years granted a lease for $1 per annum to the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department to use the tax-payer owned property abutting the fire station (the parking lot); and
WHEREAS, in recent years citizens and elected officials have expressed serious concerns about the competence, readiness, and fiscal soundness of the borough’s current fire service, including a crisis in leadership and severe shortage of able-bodied and trained firefighters; and
WHEREAS, the Borough of West Mayfield has a statutory and moral duty to its citizens to investigate and evaluate such claims objectively and with diligence, and to report its findings to the citizens, including future recommendations for the fire service: therefore
The Borough of West Mayfield council hereby establishes a fact-finding effort to review the competence, readiness, and fiscal soundness of the borough’s current fire service. Council shall appoint a special ad hoc committee (known as the “Fire Service Review Committee”) empowered to hold public hearings and, with permission from Council, to exercise subpoena powers as authorized by The Borough Code.
The president of council, with the advice and consent of council, shall appoint members to this committee, including no less than three (3) councilmembers, three (3) citizens of the borough, and three (3) representative of the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department. The president of council shall appoint a committee chair and receive regular updates from the chair about committee activities. Committee progress reports shall be presented at council’s regular monthly meetings and entered into the public record.
The Fire Service Review Committee shall be tasked with presenting its findings and recommendations to council and citizens regarding the Borough’s fire service within six months of its appointment.
Council hereby approves this motion on [insert date] .
WHEREAS, the primary purpose of borough council meetings is to afford elected officials the opportunity to conduct borough business; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the following rules of decorum is to assure an orderly framework within which the business at hand can be conducted by setting basic ground rules for public participation and the distribution of information, and by prohibiting inappropriate behavior; and
WHEREAS, the following rules of decorum also establish a code of ethical behavior for elected officials of the Borough of West Mayfield; and
WHEREAS, the authority for establishment of these rules is derived from the Pennsylvania Borough Code, Act of June 17,2014 (1965 P.L. 1956, No. 581) and all amendments thereto; the Sunshine Act, Act of June 30, 2011 (P.L. 388, No. 84, 65 P.S. 271 et seq., 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 701 et seq., No. 56) and all amendments thereto; and the Right-to-Know Law, Act of February 14, 2008 (P.L. 390, No. 212, 65 P.S. 66.1 et seq., 65 P.S. §§ 67.101, et seq.) and all amendments thereto: therefore
The Borough of West Mayfield council adopts this resolution of decorum for public meetings
Regular Council Meeting: Council is required to meet on a regular basis at least once per month and must advertise its schedule of meetings at the beginning of each year. A schedule, including day, time and location, will be established at the first reorganization meeting held every even-year. The meetings are open to the public, and minutes must be kept.
Special Council Meeting: Any public meeting not included in the advertised annual schedule of meetings. Public notice of the meeting, including advertisement, must be given at least 24 hours in advance. The “budget workshop” is considered a special meeting. These meetings are open to the public, require an agenda, and minutes must be kept.
Council Executive Session: Either an entire meeting or a portion of a regular meeting, work session, or special meeting that is called to deliberate borough business and attended by a quorum of members, but one from which council may legally exclude the public, provided the business to be discussed falls within the specified categories below as described under §708 of the Sunshine Act, including but not limited to personnel matters, collective bargaining, labor relations and arbitration, real estate transactions, litigation, legally protected information. Since executive sessions are closed to the public, minutes need not be kept. Official actions taken on the basis of discussions held in executive session must occur at an open public meeting.
Council Training/Professional Development Meetings: Any meeting of council, officers, and/or staff employees for specific and only purpose of training or professional development. These are not considered public meetings, nor do they have to be advertised. Minutes are not required.
Committee Reports: Oral or written informational reports about past or present committee activities. No old or new business should be handled during the presentation of committee reports.
Business: A business item is any matter that requires a vote by Council. “Old business” refers to matters that were previously tabled or postponed, but new require reconsideration or follow up. “New business” refers to matters that are introduced for the first time at a council meeting. Neither old business nor new business should be handled during committee reports.
Consent Agenda: A term applied to passing agenda items routinely passed with unanimous consent and no opposition of council.
Agendas: Meeting agendas are public records. Once posted to the public they shall be made available to the public. Paper copies of meeting agendas shall be made available prior to the start of a public meeting. Agendas shall be posted on the borough’s website no later than 24 hours prior to a meeting.
Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes are public records and shall be made available to the public. The minutes are not official until approved by a vote of borough council. Once approved, minutes shall be posted on the borough’s website. Minutes from other borough entities such as zoning boards shall be posted on the borough’s website.
Reports and Budgets: Monthly financial reports, the annual proposed budget, and final budget are public records, and shall be made available to the public. These documents shall be posted on the borough’s website.
Every borough council meeting that is required by law to be open to the public shall include an opportunity for residents and taxpayers to be heard. The following rules shall apply:
Request to Appear on the Agenda: Residents or taxpayers who wish to address borough council may do so under the Public Comments section of the agenda. Community groups prepared to make a presentation on a particular topic may make a request to the borough secretary to be included on the meeting agenda.
Public Comments: When addressing council, citizens must state their full name and address for the purpose of accurately recording the minutes.
Groups: For groups desiring to comment, a spokesperson shall be designated for the presentation and discussion. The spokesperson shall be responsible for maintaining order and decorum of the group.
Comments Limited to Appropriate Issues: The Public Comments portion of meetings is intended to give citizens an opportunity to address items on the agenda as well as to comment on other topics related to borough services. It is not intended to be a question and answer period. Council’s response to public input at a meeting is discretionary.
Time Limit: It is council’s intent to provide each participant a fair and equal opportunity to be heard. Borough council applies its discretion to limit the time for an individual’s public comment to 3 minutes and may end the participant’s comment if the comment becomes repetitive or strays from the current issue and the participant has had a fair and equal opportunity to be heard. The council president may extend time to an individual’s public comment if warranted.
Deferment of Comment: If, in the judgment of council, the period for public comment is unusually long, the atmosphere has become unruly, or the comments become repetitive, council may move to close Public Comments.
Recording of Meetings: Members of the public may record or videotape all portions of public meetings open to the public, provided that their actions do not disturb or interrupt the proceedings. There is no legal expectation of privacy at public meetings.
Civility and Decorum: Borough officials and members of the public are expected to conduct themselves with civility and to accord each other a measure of dignity and respect. Shouting, personal insults and attacks, or any conduct that disrupts the flow of business may be considered to be out of order. At the discretion of the council president, disruptive individuals shall be subject to removal from a meeting unless they agree to maintain civility and decorum.
The borough secretary (or designee) is responsible for preparing a written agendas for official public meetings, as required by the Sunshine Act. Agenda inform citizens about government busines to be discussed and acted upon, and they serve as guides for chairs to keep the meeting on track, assure that all relevant points concerning the business at hand will be discussed, and let all participants know exactly when they will be expected to make their contributions.
Agenda Format:
Borough of West Mayfield
[Type of Meeting] / [Date]
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Approval of Last Month’s Minutes (amended as necessary, roll call vote required)
Approval of Current Agenda (amended as necessary, roll call vote required)
Officers’ Reports (only requires consent approval)
Executive Statements
Public Comments
Committee Reports [Chairs provide brief informational summary of committee activities, no business items here]
Old Business [listing of all previously tabled motions requiring votes by Council)
New Business [listing of all new motions requiring votes by council]
Payment of the Bills (only requires consent approval)
Ratification of Purchases by Committees (only requires consent approval)
Good and Welfare of the Borough [informational, non-business items]
General Procedure: It is the policy of council not to become involved in the entanglements over “parliamentary procedure.” It is the intent of council to act consistently with the Pennsylvania Borough Code and any applicable borough ordinance or other legal requirement.
Robert’s Rules of Order: In general, council shall conduct business in accordance with Roberts’ Rules of Order as a parliamentary guide. Council reserves the right to use discretion and deviate from Robert’s Rules if a situation warrants such action.
Authority of the Chair: The president of council (or lawful designate) shall conduct public meetings and be known as the meeting chair.
Advice of the Parliamentarian: When parliamentary issues arise, the chair may seek and accept advice of a designated parliamentarian. In cases where council disagrees with the chair’s parliamentary ruling, a motion to override the chair may be laid upon the table.
Deliberations: When conducting business, councilmembers will limit their comments to the subject matter, item, or motion under consideration.
Obtaining the Floor: Councilmembers wishing to speak must first obtain the floor by being recognized by the chair. When a councilmember has the floor, all other side-bar conversations and comments will be ruled out of order. The chair may stop proceedings until order has been re-established.
President of Council: The president or other presiding officer (chair) should maintain a neutral and impartial attitude throughout the proceedings. The chair cannot make a motion on an issue. Furthermore, the chair should not enter into debate until all other councilmembers have expressed themselves on a given issue. Only then may the chair state an opinion on the merits of the question under discussion.
Motions, Resolutions & Ordinances: A motion is the normal means by which a matter is brought before council for consideration and action. Most routine matters are approved by a simple motion. Resolutions need to be approved by a simple majority vote after a motion. Ordinances are approved by roll call vote after a proper motion. Motions and resolutions regarding administrative matters need not be submitted to the mayor. Ordinances, such as legislative actions, must be submitted to the mayor for a signature.
Conducting Business: When a motion has been duly laid upon the table and seconded, council must act upon that motion before moving on to other business. A motion cannot be ignored or simply dismissed. A motion on the table can be amended. After a motion has received propeller deliberations, any councilmember may call for a vote (often referred to as “calling the question”).
A motion is properly disposed of when it is either passed or defeated. However, a motion may be tabled in cases where it might be best to refer it to a committee for further consideration or action on the motion would be best at a later date. When a motion is tabled or deferred, it must appear under “old business” at a subsequent meeting. A tabled motion shall be ignored; it is considered legitimate and active business before council until it is disposed of appropriately.
Unanimous Consent: In cases of minor importance or in routine business where there seems to be no opposition, the chair may ask if action can be taken without the formality of a motion, a second, and putting the question to a vote. For example, the chair might ask for unanimous consent when moving from one agenda item to another. It does not necessarily mean that everyone is in favor of the action, but it indicates that the matter is so routine that formal procedures are not required.
Deliberations: This is a discussion about business pending before council. Debate is closed around a business item on the table when it appears to the chair that all who wish to debate a matter have done so. The chair then puts the question to a vote.
Voting: Before a vote takes place, the chair shall read or state the motion. Voting is done in one of two ways: expressing favor or opposition. In any instance where the result of the voting seems other than unanimous, or in the event of one or more abstentions, the chair or any councilmember may call for a roll call vote. Voting by ballot is never permissible in council meetings because of the Constitutional requirement for voice vote pursuant to the Sunshine Act. Voting by proxy is not permitted.
Telecommunication Voting: Pursuant to the Borough Code, councilmembers may participate in meetings and vote via telecommunication device using speaker phones or computer terminals only after a physical quorum has been established at the meeting place and provided both council and the public are able to hear the comments and votes by the councilmember not in physical attendance. Participation via telecommunication device is only possible for one of the following reasons: illness or disability of the councilmember; care for the ill or newborn in the member’s immediate family; an emergency; and family or business travel.
Conflict of Interest: In the case that a councilmember believes that they have a conflict of interest in a matter before council, they are required by law to abstain from voting and to inform council orally and in writing of the nature of the conflict. If council would be unable to take any action on a matter because the number of members required to abstain from voting makes the majority or other legally required vote of approval unattainable, then such councilmembers shall be permitted to vote if said disclosures are made.
Abstention: All councilmembers are expected to vote in favor or in opposition to a motion, unless they are required to abstain on grounds of personal interest defined by the law. Members should not abstain from voting because of a desire to avoid embarrassment or alienation, a desire not to commit oneself, the inability to commit to a vote on the grounds that a motion is lacking or insufficient (a need to improve a motion should be addressed in debate).
Mayor’s Tie-Breaking Authority: The authority of the mayor to cast the deciding vote applies whenever, as a result of a tie vote, council is unable to enact or pass a motion, resolution, ordinance; declare or fill a vacancy on council or in any other borough office; take any action on any matter lawfully brought before it.
Committees of Council: Council shall create standing working committees as it sees fit. The president of council is empowered to assign councilmembers to committees and to appoint chairs. At the president’s discretion, citizens may be appointed to serve on standing committees in an advisory capacity and without the same authority of duly elected councilmembers. The president is an ex-officio member of all standing committees. Council may override the president’s appointments by a vote of council.
Ad Hoc Committees: The president may appoint ad-hoc committees to address particular tasks. Each committee shall have a chairperson who will report to council on a regular basis. Ad hoc committees must be dissolved by a vote of council. The president is an ex-officio member of all ad hoc committees. Council may override the president’s appointments by a vote of council.
Annual ethics forms shall be submitted to the borough secretary in a timely manner as required by law.
Elected officials shall not disclose confidential information to which they have access by virtue of their public office or position. Unless otherwise noted but not in conflict with Pennsylvania’s Right-To-Know Law, all e-mails and working draft documents shared between staff and borough council are considered privileged and confidential and, as such, are not intended for public dissemination or discussion.
Elected officials shall not convey to any person any information or advice not generally available to the public in any transaction, negotiation, or litigation to which the borough is a party.
Personal gifts, favors, loans, services, payments and other inducements, made either directly to an elected official or to a family member of an official where there is reason to believe such gifts, favors, or inducements are offered to influence official actions in favor of the donor should be refused. Any in-kind and/or cash gift, favor, tip, service, etc. with a value over $20.00 shall be disclosed to the borough secretary and/or borough council who may require that such item be refused or returned. Nominal token gifts including tokens of bereavement, holiday food baskets, calendars, lunches, and similar items may be accepted.
Council Correspondence: All councilmember correspondence written with borough resources (letterhead, logos, staff support, postage, etc.) will reflect the position of council, not individual councilmember positions, unless expressly stated. Council shall be informed of all such correspondence using borough resources.
Online Citizens Comment Form: All messages received via the borough website’s Online Citizens Comment Form shall be copied to all councilmembers and the mayor. Such electronic messages shall be regarded as correspondence in the same way as first class mail, phone calls, or other communiques.
Leadership: Although the mayor possesses few statutory powers, they are viewed as the ceremonial head of the borough by the public and they are in a position to exercise leadership. Council will offer the mayor all due respect for the rights and authority of office.
Meetings: The mayor has the right to attend all council meetings and is permitted to take part in discussions. The Mayor shall be given an opportunity to provide an executive report to council and the public at the beginning of each regular council meeting.
These rules, wholly or in part, may be amended or repealed by majority vote in any regularly scheduled meeting of borough council. Rules adopted to expedite and facilitate the transition of the Council business in an orderly fashion shall be deemed to be procedural only, and the failure to strictly observe any such rules shall not affect the jurisdiction of or invalidate any action taken by council within its duly authorized powers.
Council hereby approves this resolution on [insert date] .
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of the Borough of West Mayfield to have a local government that operates efficiently and effectively; and
WHEREAS, borough council is tasked with managing local government, including appointing borough officers and hiring employees to conduct the day-to-day operations of the borough; and
WHEREAS, borough council is duly authorized to create standing and special (ad hoc) committees to oversee and manage specific concerns and activities related to local government; and
WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Borough Code and the Ordinances of the Borough of West Mayfield are silent about the specificity of borough committees, giving council discretionary authority to create and appoint committees as it sees fit; and
WHEREAS, borough council’s current committee structure is not sanctified by law as permanent, but is a creation of custom and/or motion; and
WHEREAS, borough council has the authority to amend the current committee structure at any time by an act of council: therefore
The council of the Borough of West Mayfield hereby updates and modernizes its committee structure, dissolving prior committees but merging all committee business, authority, and financial interests into the following committee structure:
Public Safety Committee
Carries out the duties of the former Fire & Police Committee.
Description & Obligations:
Communication & Good Governance Committee
Description & Obligations:
Legal, Economic and Community Development Committee
Carries out duties and responsibilities of the former Ordinance Committee and Finance & Litigation Committee.
Description & Obligations:
Public Works & Infrastructure Committee
Carries out duties and responsibilities of former Buildings, Grounds, Equipment; Sewer & Sanitation; and Streets, Lighting, and Bridges committees.
Description & Obligations:
Parks, Recreation, Environment Committee
Carries out duties and responsibilities of the former Parks & Playground Committee.
Description & Obligations:
Ad Hoc Committees
Description & Obligations:
Council hereby approves this [insert date] .
WHEREAS, the Borough of West Mayfield wishes to uphold the highest standards of good governance and professional conduct for elected and appointed officials; and
WHEREAS, efficient standards of communication are essential to effective and efficient local government; and
WHEREAS, the Borough of West Mayfield provides the public with multiple channels of communication, including address, phone, and email contact information for all elected and appointed officials available from the Office of the Secretary/Treasurer and online directory, an online citizens comment form, and a citizens comment forum at public meetings; and
WHEREAS, the Borough of West Mayfield welcomes and values correspondence from the public and recognizes the importance of timely responses to correspondence; therefore
Council encourages the public to use official and established communication channels, as listed above, to express their comments and concerns to borough officials.
Council hereby resolves that borough officials will make every attempt to respond to public correspondence received via communication channels, as listed above, within 72 hours.
Council declares that borough officials are not obligated to respond to correspondence not received via official and established communication channels, as listed above; correspondence that is anonymous, threatening, menacing, or harassing; or correspondence that may pertain to matters outside the scope of their duties or topics restricted from public disclosure.
The president of council, or council as a body, may enter into the public record an official “statement of censure” against any local government official who repeatedly, willfully, and egregiously fails to abide by this resolution.
Council hereby approves this motion on [insert date] .
WHEREAS, Pennsylvania Consolidated Statues Title 35, Chapter 74 Volunteer Firefighters, Subchapter D Special Fire Police addresses the matter of “special fire police;” and
WHEREAS, Subchapter D Special Fire Police defines the confirmation process of special fire police:
§ 7434. Confirmation. Special fire police nominated under this subchapter shall, before they enter upon their duties, be confirmed by the mayor of the city, the mayor of the borough or town, the chairman of the board of commissioners or supervisors of the township or the chief executive officer of a home rule municipality, as the case may be.
WHEREAS, the mayor of the Borough of West Mayfield has the express statutory obligation to confirm by oath any persons duly nominated by the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department to serve as a special fire police agent of the department; and
WHEREAS, only duly nominated members of the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department that have been duly confirmed by oath by the mayor of the Borough of West Mayfield, shall be for the purposes of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, “considered to be in the employ of the Borough and acting in the course of their employment” when “Performing police duties of any kind, including traffic control, detection, protection and keeping of order.” (West Mayfield Ordinance Title Six, Chapter 248 Volunteer Fire Department, § 248.01 (e) Duties of Firemen; Workmen’s Compensation); and
WHEREAS, any member of the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department acting as a special fire police agent of the department, but not having been duly confirmed by oath by the mayor of the Borough of West Mayfield is held to be a potential legal and financial liability of the Borough of West Mayfield; therefore
Effective immediately, council hereby requests the mayor of the Borough of West Mayfield to confirm by oath any and all members of the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department duly named and nominated by the department to serve as a special fire police agent of the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department.
Any member of the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department not duly confirmed (sworn by oath) by the mayor of the Borough of West Mayfield shall not be recognized by the Borough of West Mayfield as lawfully acting as a special fire police agent of the West Mayfield Volunteer Fire Department.
Council hereby approves this motion on [insert date] .
WHEREAS, the office of mayor of the Borough of West Mayfield is a duly authorized and constituted office of the municipality, see The Pennsylvania Borough Code (Pa C.S Title 8, Part One) and Codified Ordinances of West Mayfield, Part Two – Administrative Code, Title Six, Chapter 230.
WHEREAS, the office of mayor is tasked by the Pennsylvania Borough Code (§ 10A07. Duties of mayor):
To preserve order in the borough, to enforce the ordinances and regulations, to remove nuisances, to exact a faithful performance of the duties of the officers appointed and to perform any other duties as shall be vested in the mayor’s office by law or ordinance.
To sign papers, contracts, obligations and documents as may be required by law, and
To collect any costs and fees received (relative to the office) and to pay the money into the treasury.
To report to the council from time to time on the state of the borough and to make recommendations to the council on matters of borough concern.
WHEREAS, the office of mayor has among its duties to preside over reorganization meetings of council, and administering oaths and affirmations in matters pertaining to borough affairs as well as the swearing in of fire police (Pa C.S. Title 35 § 7434), and if called upon to declare emergencies, providing a leadership role in emergency management activities, and exercise its “power to prevent and suppress mobs, riots and unlawful and tumultuous assemblies” (Borough Code §10A06 Duties of mayor)
WHEREAS, the mayor is uniquely charged with enforcing and managing solicitation in the borough, including issuing official solicitation permits (Codified Ordinances of West Mayfield, Part Eight – Business Regulation and Taxation Code, Chapter 820 Peddlers and Solicitors); and
WHEREAS, the mayor of the Borough of West Mayfield is customarily given responsibility to act as council’s ceremonial representative at public events and functions; and
WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Borough Code (§10A07) mandates: “The borough shall furnish the mayor with the necessary dockets, books, forms and files as are necessary for the conduct of the mayor’s office and which shall be and remain the property of the borough and be surrendered to the mayor’s successor in office.”; and
WHEREAS, the council of the Borough of West Mayfield acknowledges that it is in best interest of local government and the citizens to support the office of the mayor: therefore
Council hereby appropriates as a standing annual budgetary expenditure from the general fund, up to $500.00 to support the office of mayor. The mayor shall have discretionary authority to use these monies, all or in part, as the mayor deems necessary to carry out the duties and functions of office.
In the best interest of open government, the mayor shall, as necessary, make a report to council regarding the use of these monies. Any unused portion of these monies by the end of the calendar year (December 31st) shall revert back to the general fund.
These monies shall not be construed as part of the mayor’s salary.
Council hereby approves this motion on [insert date] .
WHEREAS, many municipalities across the Commonwealth have successfully established “community centers” for the benefit of their citizens, providing a publicly available space(s) for civic meetings, social events, recreational and educational programs, and entertainment activities; and
WHEREAS, a sufficient number of citizens of the Borough of West Mayfield have expressed interest in the possibility of a borough community center; and
WHEREAS, the council of the Borough of West Mayfield believes that the idea of a borough community center deserves to be explored and examined in a serious and meaningful way, and citizens should be made aware of the findings of an examination: therefore
The Borough of West Mayfield council hereby endorses a fact-finding effort to review the potential and possibilities of establishing a borough community center. Council shall appoint an ad hoc committee known as the “Community Center Committee” encouraged and authorized to explore the potential and possibility of establishing a community center by the year 2028.
This ad hoc committee will report directly to the chair of the Parks, Recreation, Environment Committee, who will oversee and support the work of the ad hoc committee.
The chair of the Parks, Recreation, Environment Committee is authorized to appoint an indefinite number of members to this ad hoc committee, including interested councilmembers, citizens of the borough, and at-large members outside the borough who are of value to the project.
The chair of the Parks, Recreation, Environment Committee shall receive regular updates from the ad hoc committee and the chair shall present findings (as available) as part of the Parks, Recreation, Environment Committee report to council at regular monthly meetings.
The Community Center ad hoc committee shall, within one (1) year of its appointment, be tasked with presenting its findings and recommendations to council and citizens regarding the potential and possibilities of establishing a borough community center.
Council hereby approves this motion on [insert date] .
Many of these recommendations have received the public endorsement of most councilmembers and the mayor, as made known at our “CCWM Council Candidates Forum” held on November 1, 2023. (Recording available on our YouTube channel). CCWM welcomes your input regarding this proposed motion. We welcome specific recommendations for improving this motion.
These proposed motions and resolutions are practical action plans establishing a path forward; However, council needs to act. This motion (or a similar motion) needs to be:
We need to let our elected officials know that we are behind these motion and resolutions, and they should be too.
Note: This calendar is a guide for citizens to help better understand council’s legislative agenda (the business it conducts during public meetings). This is not an official government document created by borough council, nor is it a governmental public record such as meeting agendas or minutes.
Agenda: To be published NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business (Routine action items usually passed by unanimous consent):
Old Business: Tabled motions from previous meeting(s) to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Publish NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Publish NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Publish NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Publish NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Publish NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Publish NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Publish NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Publish NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Publish NLT 24 hours in advance
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
Suggested Actionable Business:
Agenda: Published January 1, 2024
Pro Forma Business:
Agenda: Published on February 7, 2024.
Pro Forma Business:
Old Business: Tabled motions to resolve or reconsider
New Business: Introduction of new motions, resolutions, ordinances
New or Ongoing Actionable Issues:
Concerned Citizens of West Mayfield produces a civics audio/video series for the benefit of the community, especially those who cannot attend public meetings. Our goals is to record public meetings of government (regular and special council meetings) and citizens’ meetings (town halls, informative workshops, and other forums about our community’s issues and concerns).
Check out our recordings of town halls, workshops, and other citizens activities on our Civics page.
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