Carl Davidson: Rag Radio 2015-11-06 – Leading Leftist Thinker Carl Davidson Helps Us Make Some Sense of the Political Madness
Creator: Thorne Dreyer Category: Commentary, Political Issues Publisher: Rag Radio : 06 Nov, 2015 Tags:democracy | Democratic Party | political discourse | politics | Progressive Democrats of America | progressive politics | public figure | CHECK IT OUTCarl Davidson is a leading leftist thinker and political organizer. We asked him to put on his noted thinking cap and help us make some sense out of the political madness that surrounds us! We discussed the recent mid-term elections, especially the defeat of the LGBT equal rights ordinance in Houston and the election of right-winger Matt Blevin in Kentucky, as well as some hopeful developments — and the presidential campaigns, including the grassroots efforts of Bernie Sanders. And the role of progressives in addressing this mess, from the perspective of long-haul organizing. To help us put things in context, Carl quoted Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci: “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”
Carl Davidson is co-chair of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and a national board member of Solidarity Economy Network, was the founder of the Online University of the Left, and is a local Beaver County, Pennsylvania, member of Steelworkers Associates. Carl works with the Progressive Democrats of America and was a founder of Progressives for Obama. Carl is the author of several books, is a contributor to The Rag Blog and a frequent guest on Rag Radio, and also blogs at Keep On Keeping On. In the 1960s, Davidson was a national leader of SDS, and was a writer and editor for the Guardian newsweekly.