Beaver River Regatta 8/18/12

DESCRIPTION: Beaver River Regatta held August 18-19, 2012. SEE ALSO:   RETURN TO THE LISTENING LIBRARY: BEAVER COUNTY The Listening Library of Beaver County (LLBC) is curated by The Social Voice Project. It is a publicly and privately sourced audio/visual archive of voices and stories related to Beaver County, Pennsylvania and surrounding region. Disclaimer: LLBC is …

Democracy Unchained: A Conversation Series | Democracy v. Fossil Fuels

Democracy and wealth have a long and troubled relationship. Democracy requires openness, transparency, accountability, and a reasonable level of economic equality. On the other hand, wealth unrestrained, often works in various ways to buy influence, power, and votes. The uneasy relationship between democracy and money became even more troubled with the rise of large corporations, …

For a towboat deckhand, life on the river means long days but lots of pride

Amherst Madison deckhand Ryan Gilleran describes life on a towboat transporting barges full of coal, and other materials, up and down America’s waterways. When they deliver road salt to towns in the winter or coal to power plants in the middle of the night, Gilleran says he and his fellow “towboaters” feel like unsung heroes, …

The Ohio River Water Walk

The Nibi (Water) Walks are Indigenous-led, extended ceremonies to pray for the water. The Ohio River Water Walk began on April 22, 2014 in Pittsburgh, PA [through Beaver County, Pa] and ended in Cairo, IL, where the Ohio joins the Mississippi River. The Nibi (Water) Walks are Indigenous-led, extended ceremonies to pray for the water. …

Mark Grago: Native American (Ohio Valley) Exploration

Mark Grago YouTube playlist related to Native Americans in and around Beaver County. I Find an Indian Burial Mound? Early&Native American History of Ohioville, PA. (Beaver County, PA) The Legend of Indian Rock (South Beaver Township, Pennsylvania) How Pittsburgh Tamed The West!   RETURN TO THE LISTENING LIBRARY: BEAVER COUNTY