Ambridge Memories Blog: Memories of Ambridge, Pennsylvania 1950-1970–and the years that came before
Creator: Nancy Bohinsky Knisley Category: Local History Publisher: Ambridge Memories 1950 - 1970 Blog : 31 Mar, 2024 Tags:Ambridge | blog | community storytelling | Facebook | local history | CHECK IT OUTAmbridge Memories 1950 – 1970 is an Ambridge PA history blog with photos and information about Ambridge from the borough’s beginnings to 1971. The blog’s special focus is preserving and sharing memories of Ambridge from 1950 – 1970 including schools, churches, businesses, events, and activities.
Curator Nancy Bohinsky Knisley, AHS ’67: I grew up in Ambridge on Beaver Road. I attended Divine Redeemer School from K-8, then went to Ambridge High School. After graduating in 1967, I went to Penn State University Park, and only returned to Ambridge during school breaks. After college graduation, I moved to the Baltimore area and have lived there ever since. I believe that, except for my family, the most important influences in my life growing up were Ambridge’s Laughlin Memorial Library and the Ambridge Borough Swimming Pool. I still have family and friends in the Ambridge area.