Abandoned Pittsburgh Harmony Butler Railway Streetcar line Ellwood City, Pa
Creator: Stuff That’s Gone Channel Category: Local History Publisher: Stuff That’s Gone Channel : 11 Mar, 2010 Tags:Ellwood City | Harmony Line | Pittsburgh Harmony Butler and New Castle Railway | streetcar | trolley line | CHECK IT OUTPittsburgh, Harmony, Butler and New Castle Railway The railway was developed by business partners Russel H. Boggs and Henry Buhl as an adjunct to their department store in Pittsburgh. Mr. Boggs already had a business relationship with many of the farms between Evans City and Pittsburgh and proposed exchanging the right of way across their land for one dollar, a guaranteed trolley stop and an electricity supply.[2] The first trolley ran to Ellwood City on 2 July 1908. At the southern end of the line Pittsburgh Railways took over the trolley for the run into Pittsburgh, as the final few miles was over their rails. In 1914 an extension along the Beaver Valley was opened. This left Ellwood City heading south west and crossed the Beaver River on Koppel Bridge which was built for the purpose. This bridge also carried vehicle and pedestrian traffic and was subject to a toll.