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RiverWise: The Helpers–Trails Ministries
 Creator: RiverWise  Category: Communities, Faith/Religion, Social Issues  Publisher: RiverWise  : 28 May, 2020 Tags:Beaver Falls | community storytelling | COVID-19 Pandemic | hunger | RiverWise | Trails Ministries | CHECK IT OUT

“The immediate thought was; How’s this gonna affect people who are dealing with drug and alcohol concerns, people who have a lot of anxiety already, families whose kids are gonna be home every meal when they’re already struggling to make ends meet before this happened, and people who don’t have transportation? It was the immediate question. The first meeting was about how we can reach out to every family that we’re involved with… TRAILS shines in times like this. We’re gonna jump into the trenches with all of our strength, all of our resources, all hands on deck.” Yes, TRAILS, you do shine in times like this, and we’re so very glad that you are an anchor in the region. What a fantastic example of becoming “The Helpers” that Beaver County so desperately needs in this pandemic season!